Monday, May 11, 2009

Britney Spears Concert

Hiya! So, yeah..I'm going off tangent here from the usual beauty and makeup tips :)
I just wanted to share this video taken from Arco Arena. I forced my hubby to come watch it with me..
LOL! Enjoy!


So, I've been battling with zits, acne, pimples, you name I've had it for years now.
I've also tried many different products and it only works for a month then it's back to my irritated skin!
Also tried microdermabrasion, facials, laser treatment, blue light, chemical peel..the whole nine yards!
But thank God for liquid Vitamin E. Not only do I skip my usual moisturizer (only use it when needed)
but I also use liquid Vit E to prevent my acne from scarring.
My usual regimen is washing my face with a cleanser with 2.0 Saicylic acid and I use a cottan swab, dip it inside the bottle and then dab it on the blemish/acne, once in the morning and before bedtime. The results have been amazing!

Try it and let me know how it works for you.
