Friday, August 28, 2009

UWYW#1: Peacocked recreation for Petrilude:

Hello lovelies,

So I'm sure you've heard of the new challenge coming from Petrilude.
It's U.W.Y.W. (Use What You Want) and he's basically doing five of these videos and the idea is to replicate his makeup using any products you have. When I saw his first challenge, I jumped on the video response wagon and created my own. I hope you like..
You should try it too..It's fun!

Let me know if you'd like to see the tutorial.

MAC Haulage with my Cousin, Joanne

My cousin, Joanne from Texas was here on vacay for two weeks.
Thank God for her because I had someone to go shopping with :)
We went to San Francisco: Japan Town, Union Square, Macys, Lush.
We also went to Nordstroms' Anniversary Sale in Valley Fair to obtain their most awaited MAC exclusive collection.